Tantra Massage & Intimacy Coaching
Men, Women, Couples – Downtown Toronto
I help women, men and couples experience deeper and more mindful connections to their bodies and sexualities by increasing their capacity for pleasure by letting go of shame, tension, and trauma.
Do you desire a delicious and restorative experience?
Are you looking to enhance your sex life?
Do you find yourself rushing through love-making or rushing through self-pleasure from time to time?
My sessions offer you a safe place to play and develop a new, exciting connection to your sexuality. Whether you are new to tantra or have previous experience, this is the place for you.

What is Tantra?
You may have come to hear about Tantra through the ancient Indian text, The Kama Sutra. The great musician, Sting also made it popular in the 90s, touting hours of lovemaking leading to tantric bliss.
But Tantra is so much more than a sex technique.
Tantra is how you relate to your own body, how you do life, and how you dance with it. To feel fully alive is Tantric. The more we learn to let go into the moment, into our bodies and into love, the greater our capacity for pleasure and bliss. This is the secret of Tantra!
Unfortunately, we live in a society that values productivity and instant gratification. Instead of living life with presence and an open heart, most of us feel numb, stressed, lost, and disconnected from each other and our truest self.
Expanding into life means we embrace it all, we move with it, and we learn to become freer, more powerful, more fulfilled and alive! This is the Tantric path and it offers an incredible new world of excitement and fulfillment to those ready to dive in!
It’s time we saw sex as the truly sacred art that it is. A deep meditation. A holy communion and dance with the force of creation”
– Markus Allen

For Women
Tantric bodywork and healing sessions for women allow for more pleasure, free from guilt or unnecessary taboos.
Expand your orgasmic potential and
give yourself permission to experience more pleasure in your life by dissolving psychosomatic blocks and connecting to your sexual presence.
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For Men
Tantric bodywork and healing sessions for men removes the emotional blocks and stresses that may be inhibiting your sexual energy.
Receive mindful loving touch and increase confidence in your personal relationships while increasing your body’s sensitivity to pleasure and connecting you to a more orgasmic experience.
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For Couples
Discover a new world of possibilities alongside your partner and expand your sexual connection.
With 1:1 sessions, workshops, retreats, and celebratory experiences, your relationship will achieve new levels of intimacy, trust, and pleasure.
Invest in your relationship. Explore Tantra Massage. Have fun.
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